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ISA Annual Report 2024


Monumental Growth

The International Society of Automation had a terrific year in 2024.

But it was not just 2024. 

It has been three consecutive years of revenue and membership growth.

Three years of positive momentum across multiple program areas.

ISA as a society is experiencing monumental growth.  

From the President

It has been an honor to serve as your president during such a period of growth and success at ISA. I want to express how much I enjoyed serving the automation community in 2024. 

My sincere thanks go out to Claire Fallon, our CEO, as well as her staff, for the continuous work of keeping the society operational and for executing on ISA’s strategic plan. Equally important are the countless volunteers who provide their time to manage the society's many sections, standards and committees, as well as share their expertise to benefit the automation industry. Many thanks also go out to the entire Executive Board for their support.

Automation-depends-peopleRemember that ISA is your professional society. At a time when many people are concerned about automation and its impact on the workforce and new technologies, it is more important than ever for us to underscore that automation depends on people. I encourage you to deepen your engagement with ISA, and encourage others to join our society. 

I am so proud to have been a part of the continued growth trajectory of ISA and look forward to seeing the society build upon its success in the future.


Prabhu Soundarrajan
2024 ISA President 

From the CEO

This year ISA saw another consecutive year of membership growth, continued excellent financial performance and the launch of MimoSM, an incredible new large language model providing innovative access to ISA content.

As you will read through the rest of this annual report, this success does not stand alone — it is part of a multi-year trend toward greater financial stability, growth and continuous cultural improvement of the society that automation and instrumentation professionals have called home for nearly 80 years. 

None of these achievements would be possible without the support and dedication of everyone working to create a better world through automation. I am grateful to ISA members, volunteers, Executive Board and the entire automation community for your support and active participation in our work. 

I am proud that ISA membership is strong, vibrant, and growing. I am excited that our members see what ISA has to offer and that they find such value in our society. Our job is to continue to deliver that value. That is how we continue to grow membership and expand ISA's influence: by being the place that automation professionals want and need to be.


Claire Fallon
CEO and Executive Director

Executive Board 2024 


Prabhu Soundarrajan

Marty Bince - ISA Past President 2024

Past President
Marty Bince

President-elect Secretary
Scott Reynolds


Ardis Bartle


CEO and Executive Director
Claire Fallon


Dr. Soloman Almadi

Francisco Diaz-Andreu


Nick Erickson


Colleen Goldsborough

Vivek Gupta

Shank-Iyer - ISA Executive Board Member 2024-min

Shank Iyer

Maxym Lachance - ISA Executive Board Member 2024

Maxym Lachance


David Lee

Edward Naranjo


Mary Riedel

Jagdish Shukla - ISA Executive Board Member 2024

Megan Samford

Jagdish Shukla


Sujata Tilak


Jeff Winter

A Three-Year Upward Trajectory


Since 2021, ISA membership has grown by 42% and the society's revenue has increased by 62%, making this ISA's third consecutive profitable year.

These are excellent indicators of the fact that ISA continues to attract automation professionals from all over the world, and that our members and customers are excited by the programs and services we offer.


Revenue Growth


Membership Growth


Significant Accomplishments in 2024

Second-largest margin 
on record

Third consecutive profitable year
and fifth since 1999

17.84% growth in membership year over year in 2024


Launched Mimo: a first-of-its-kind, award-winning LLM and new ISA mascot

109% growth in media mentions — people are talking about ISA

Record-breaking revenue for the Black Friday sale — training, standards, membership and events


Recognized as a 2024 Top-Rated Nonprofit by Great Nonprofits

Strategic Objectives in 2024 

Outreach, Awareness and Advocacy

Be recognized as the leading, global, independent source of automation knowledge.

Innovation Insights

Proactively identify and foster evolving and emerging technology, processes and business practices related to ISA’s mission. 

Vibrant Community

Grow a consciously inclusive community to enable collaboration and foster the development of skills.

Financial Stability

Foster a sustainable financial position that continues to support ISA's mission.

Explore the Report


MimoSM and Pub Hub

A First of Its Kind Large Language Model

Mimo — the new ISA mascot — is the name of an AI-powered large language model (LLM) educated on ISA content: standards, training, reports, articles, presentations and so much more.

What Makes Mimo Special?

As a technical professional society with a nearly 80-year history, ISA has amassed a wealth of knowledge. Mimo has learned all about industrial automation and operational technology cybersecurity from studying these many years of content, and presents that content to users in a friendly, interactive way.

Because Mimo is trained exclusively on ISA content, users can be assured that the answers they receive are technically sound, and citations are provided to the source files for further information. This makes Mimo a richer and more relevant resource for automation professionals than ChatGPT or similar services.

Mimo provides shorter answers to nonmembers and more detailed responses to members who are logged in to the service. Mimo also provides answers in multiple languages — 13 to date.

Mimo at a Glance

14,852 Questions answered

13 Languages currently in use:
English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Russian, Thai, Arabic, Dutch and German   

1 Amazing mascot


Pub Hub

With its vast collection of essential resources, including ISA standards, best practices, technical reports, InTech magazine archives, webinars and e-books, Pub Hub has been a primary source to train Mimo on ISA content. Beyond its capacity as a source for Mimo, Pub Hub is accessible directly to members looking to reference critical information.


ISA Pub Hub Graphic

Pub Hub at a Glance 

3,840 Unique users

617 Unique documents viewed    

Top 10 Documents Viewed

  • ANSI/ISA-62443-1-1 (99.01.01)-2007, Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems, Part 1-1: Terminology, Concepts, and Models
  • ANSI/ISA-5.1-2022, Instrumentation Symbols and Identification
  • ANSI/ISA-62443-3-2-2020, Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems, Part 3-2: Security Risk Assessment for System Design
  • ANSI/ISA-62443-2-1 (99.02.01)-2009, Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems, Part 2-1: Establishing an Industrial Automation and Control Systems Security Program
  • ANSI/ISA-62443-3-3 (99.03.03)-2013, Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems, Part 3-3: System Security Requirements and Security Levels
  • ANSI/ISA-101.01-2015, Human Machine Interfaces for Process Automation Systems
  • ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2010, (IEC 62264-1 Modified) Enterprise-Control System Integration, Part 1: Models and Terminology
  • ANSI/ISA-18.2-2016, Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries
  • ANSI/ISA-5.1-2024, Instrumentation and Control - Symbols and Identification
  • ANSI/ISA-62443-4-2-2018, Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems, Part 4-2: Technical Security Requirements for IACS Components


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Setting the Standard for Automation™

For nearly 80 years, ISA has developed standards that represent leading industrial automation and cybersecurity practices. As an ANSI-accredited standards developer, ISA is committed to an open, consensus-based process. 

At a Glance 

3,500+ Volunteers

40 Countries represented    

14 Standards committees    

135 Published standards    

20 Recommended practices    

61 Technical reports 

Excerpt from the ISA-5.1 standard

Notable in 2024

In 2024, ISA published 13 new or revised standards, one recommended practice and five technical reports. Particularly notable:

  • An update of ISA’s most popular standard, ISA-5.1, Instrumentation and Control – Symbols and Identification.
  • A key update in the widely used ISA/IEC 62443 series of standards: ISA-62443-2-1, Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems, Part 2-1: Security Program Requirements for IACS Asset Owners
  • Six new or revised standards in the ISA-75 series of control valve standards

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At a Glance 

14,072 Trainees

21% Increase    

3,058 North America    

1,928 Asia Pacific

2,801 Europe

660 Latin America and the Caribbean

1,385 Middle East and Africa

4,211 Unknown

Top Five Training Courses

  • Using the ISA/IEC 62443 Standards to Secure Your Industrial Control System (IC32M)
  • Assessing the Cybersecurity of New or Existing IACS Systems (IC33M)
  • IACS Cybersecurity Design & Implementation (IC34M)
  • Cybersecurity Operations & Maintenance (IC37M)
  • Using the ISA/IEC 62443 Standards to Secure Your Control Systems (IC32V) – Virtual
black woman smiling at camera while touching a lab instrumentation training board-3

New Courses Launched

  • ISA-95/IEC 62264 Enterprise-Control System Integration (E-CSI) Fundamentals (IC55M(7 modules). This course is tied to the new ISA-95 certificate program discussed in the next section. 

  • The Evolution of Automation Systems (DT104)

Major Course Revisions

  • Using the ISA/IEC 62443 Standards to Secure Your Control Systems (IC32M) (12 modules)
  • Assessing the Cybersecurity of New or Existing IACS Systems (IC33M) (4 modules)
  • IACS Cybersecurity Design & Implementation (IC34M) (10 modules)
  • IACS Cybersecurity Operations & Maintenance (IC37M) (5 modules)
  • Introduction to the Management of Alarm Systems (IC39M) (9 modules)
  • CSE Review Course (EN00)

Also Notable

IACET logo International Accreditors for Continuing Education and TrainingISA offers training accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). 

ISA completed the IACET reaccreditation successfully in 2024, which resulted in ISA continuing to be an IACET-accredited provider. Although there is an annual report, this extensive reaccreditation process takes place once every five years and includes an internal audit, application, external review/audit and an interview process. Per IACET:

Any organization can host a learning event. But it takes true commitment to become an accredited provider of IACET Continuing Education Units (CEU).

The IACET Accredited Provider (AP) status tells the world:

  • You've committed your organization to a rigorous accreditation application and review process, involving extensive hands-on evaluation and verification
  • Your policies and processes have been thoroughly benchmarked against the ANSI/IACET Standard for Continuing Education and Training
  • You've engaged the expertise of instructional design professionals nationwide to make your continuing education and training the best it can be.

Instructors are needed for various ISA training courses. Apply today.

Credentials: Certifications and Certificate Programs

New in 2024:

ISA-95/IEC 62264 Enterprise-Control System Integration Fundamentals Specialist

ISA-95-IEC-62264-Enterprise-Control-System-Integration-E-CSI-Fundamentals-Specialist-Certificate-Badge-IconA brand-new certificate program has been launched in support of one of the society's most popular standards, ISA-95, on enterprise-control system integration. 

Certification and Credential Holders

Credential Name Current Holders New in 2024
CAP-Logo-300px Certified Automation Professional (CAP®) 672 58
CAP-Assoc-logo Certified Automation Professional Associate 79 12
CCST-Logo-300px Certified Control System Technician® (CCST ®) Level 1 1,267 100
CCST-Specialist-Logo-300px Certified Control System Technician (CCST) Level 2 — Specialist 384 37
CCST-Master-Logo-300px Certified Control System Technician (CCST) Level 3 — Master 321 13
CST-Associate-Logo-125px Control Systems Technician Associate 148 5
Automation-Project-Management-Specialist-web125 Automation Project Management Specialist 75 32
ISA-Fire-and-Gas-Mapping-Specialist-Certificate-Badge Fire and Gas Mapping Specialist Certificate 16 11
SIS-1 Certificate 1: ISA/IEC 61511 SIS Fundamentals Specialist 212 44
SIS-2 Certificate 2: ISA/IEC 61511 SIL Selection Specialist 62 19
SIS-3 Certificate 3: ISA/IEC 61511 SIL Verification Specialist 54 20
SIS-expert ISA/IEC 61511 SIS Expert 126 19
ISA Cybersecurity Certificate Badges-05 Certificate 1: ISA/IEC 62443 Cybersecurity Fundamentals Specialist 3,679 1,506
cybersecurity-risk-badge Certificate 2: ISA/IEC 62443 Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Specialist 1,584 654
cybersecurity-design-badge Certificate 3: ISA/IEC 62443 Cybersecurity Design Specialist 1,100 448
cybersecurity-maintenance-badge Certificate 4: ISA/IEC 62443 Cybersecurity Maintenance Specialist 868 341
Cybersecurity-Expert-Badge_200px ISA/IEC 62443 Cybersecurity Expert 940 316
ISA-95-IEC-62264-Enterprise-Control-System-Integration-E-CSI-Fundamentals-Specialist-Certificate-Badge-Icon ISA-95/IEC 62264 Enterprise-Control System Integration Fundamentals Specialist 4 4


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Professional Members: 17,600
17.84% increase over 2023

Region 2024 2023
Asia and the Pacific 17.26%  14.81%
Europe 12.01% 10.64%
Latin America and the Caribbean 4.94% 4.37%
Middle East and Africa 6.19% 5.29%
North America 59.57% 64.79%

Student Members: 3,074
17.55% increase over 2023 

Region 2024 2023
Asia and the Pacific 35.26% 38.09%
Europe 9.34% 12.50%
Latin America and the Caribbean 8.91% 4.44%
Middle East and Africa 7.58% 8.07%
North America 39.17% 36.90%

Sections, Divisions and Young Professionals

Technical Divisions  

  • Aerospace/Test Measurement Division
  • Analysis Division 
  • Automatic Controls and Robotics Division 
  • Automation Project Management and Delivery Division 
  • Building Automation Systems Division 
  • Chemical and Petroleum Industries Division 
  • Construction and Design Division 
  • Education and Research Division 
  • Food and Pharmaceutical Industries Division 
  • Mining and Metals Industries Division 
  • Power Industry Division 
  • Process Measurement and Control Division 
  • Pulp and Paper Industry Division 
  • Safety and Security Division 
  • Smart Manufacturing and IIoT Division 
  • Water and Wastewater Industries Division   

Changes Announced for Technical Engagement Within ISA

ISA announced changes would be implemented in 2025 to the way members engage around technical topics, launching a new way to connect around automation technologies and processes. Members will be able to ask and answer questions
in real time, all structured around the technical content topics that are most important to automation professionals.

With this new engagement model, ISA sunset divisions effective 31 December 2024. This difficult decision came after long deliberations considering feedback from current and former members.

This new direction is more closely aligned with the needs and interests of ISA’s diverse and growing membership base. With this engagement across sectors, we will learn, share our expertise and grow as professionals for the duration of our careers.

Geographic Sections  

103 Sections in 33 countries  

9 is the average number of volunteers operating a section

96% of sections had three or more activities for members to engage 

3 new sections were established: Sacramento, USA; United Kingdom; and Minas Gerais, Brazil


Young Professionals  

ISA Young Professionals (YP) is an inclusive community where young professionals under the age of 35 can make an impact and influence the future of automation. The Young Professionals hosted receptions at both the OT Cybersecurity Summit and the Automation Summit and Expo. 

1,584 Members designated as Young Professional

6 Connect Lives hosted by Young Professionals


ISA operates four consortia activities: the ISA Global Cybersecurity Alliance (ISAGCA) and its Incident Command System for Industrial Control Systems (ICS4ICS), as well as ISASecure and ISA100 Wireless, which offer research and conformity assessment services in the fields of cybersecurity and wireless interoperability.  

ISAGCA-Logo - Color-on-White

A collaborative forum to advance OT cybersecurity awareness, education, readiness, standardization and knowledge sharing. Key deliverables and outcomes in 2024 included:

ISAGCA members include:


Established as part of ISAGCA, the Incident Command System for Industrial Control Systems (ICS4ICS) creates a standing organization and playbook for responding to cyber attacks on automation in critical infrastructure. ICS4ICS conducts training exercises, provides resources and offers credentials to individuals.

  • 1,568 ICS4ICS members
  • 987 companies and 89 countries are represented by ICS4ICS members



ISA100 Wireless - RGB

Assured interoperability for wireless products conforming to the ISA100.11a (IEC 62734) international wireless standard. Key outcomes included:

  • Six webinars presented in 2024
  • Continuing to expand Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC/UA) coverage

ISA100 Wireless members include:


ISA Offers Thought Leadership for the Automation Profession

ISA and its community of subject-matter experts are the leading voices in industrial automation and cybersecurity. Whether through events, books, e-magazines or industry media, ISA presents thoughtful commentary and technical guidance. 

Position Papers

Subject-matter experts from the ISA community authored a variety of position papers and white papers on key areas of focus for the automation profession. Find them all at

Advancing Precision Agriculture Through Industrial Control System Technologies

Advancing-Precision-Agriculture_thumbnailPrecision agriculture represents a transformative approach to farming, leveraging advanced technologies to optimize agricultural productivity, enhance resource efficiency and promote sustainable practices.

Robust industrial control system (ICS) frameworks play a key role in advancing precision agriculture. Establishing comprehensive ICS standards and enhancing educational initiatives will support the widespread adoption and effective implementation of precision agriculture technologies.

Automation Shapes Global Economic Growth and Development

GlobalEconomicGrowth-thumbnailAutomation has long supported developed and developing economies by increasing productivity, reducing costs, improving quality, enhancing safety and providing greater reliability.

Automation technologies have also reduced human workloads, transformed labor markets and increased access to goods and services while reducing environmental impacts across all sectors of industry and infrastructure.

Automation Enables Digital Deglobalization Efforts

ISADigitalDeglobalization-thumbnailWhile businesses seek to secure themselves from uncertainty, increase resilience and mitigate risk, they also need to mitigate consequences and meet demands from investors and the public.

Automation technology and techniques implemented by knowledgeable and skilled automation professionals can help businesses optimize their digital deglobalization efforts, secure their supply chain infrastructure and support improvements to environmental and social responsibility.

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Podomation — ISA's flagship podcast — is unique in the industrial and manufacturing space. Where other podcasts are narrowly focused or tend to heavily feature promotional vendor content, Podomation takes a broad approach to the big issues impacting industrial automation and brings together panels of subject-matter experts for technical yet spirited conversations. 


6 Episodes

46 Countries listening and watching:


OT Cybersecurity Summit  

Hosted this year in London, the OT Cybersecurity Summit grew by 117% year-over-year — a major win for ISA events and thought leadership that secures the society's position as a leading resource for operational technology (OT) cybersecurity.

260 Attendees

34 Sessions

44 Speakers

14 Sponsors




Automation Summit and Expo  

This event grew by 18% year-over-year and included three tracks on cybersecurity, digital transformation and career skills. The event also featured an exciting Honors & Awards Gala aboard the USS Yorktown in Charleston, South Carolina.

266 Attendees

64 Sessions

21 Sponsors

95% Attendees specifically mentioned the value of the content



ISA former presidents joined in the fun at ASE!



Program Director of ​IOT Solutions World Congress and Barcelona Cybersecurity Congress

ISA had a unique opportunity in 2024 to serve as program director for two large events held in Barcelona, Spain.

In this capacity, ISA led the content development for both event programs — a major win for the society's thought leadership and market recognition.

11,000 Attendees from 100+ countries

150 Speakers

337 Exhibitors

Media and PR

54 Media placements in 2024  
35% Year-over-year increase in placements
18,617 Media mentions of ISA and its offerings in 2024 — more than double the goal for the year 






Digital Magazines

4 Issues 

Audience Statistics  

113,000 Total subscribers 
15,709 Page users
25,723 Page views


19 Issues: InTech Plus

Audience Statistics

1,234,904 Users 
2,309,520 Page views 
123,000 Subscribers 

Articles Published

2,750+ News, products, features, case studies and events published 
67 ISA-authored articles across our InTech and publications

Webinars — 13 Hosted

1,857 Registrants: automation and control topic
591 Registrants: digital transformation topic
444 Registrants: operations and management topic


31 Issues: Automation Insights 
16 Issues: Factory Automation & Control
15 Issues: Process Automation & Control
16 Issues: Connectivity & Cybersecurity
16 Issues: IIoT & Smart Manufacturing




Celebrating Excellence Awards

ISA recognized 2024 winners of the Celebrating Excellence Awards at a gala during the Automation Summit & Expo:

Automation Professional of the Year

  • Andrew McDonald

Enduring Society Service

  • James Federlein

Excellence in Mentoring

  • Jose Teruel Carrillo

Excellence in Education

  • Ahmad Al-Dabbagh

Excellence in Technical Achievement

  • Dattatray Sawant

Section Excellence

  • Edmonton Section
  • Ireland Section
  • Pune Section
  • Spain Section

Standards Achievement

  • Alan Raveling

Volunteers of the Year

  • Evangelina Atanes Sanchez
  • Ana Gonzalez
  • Edward Vodopest
  • Swati Madhe

Student Volunteers of the Year

  • Harikrishna Rao Mohan Rao
  • Anwesha Sen
  • Alauddeen Shaikh

Best-Selling Book


The ISA Fellows designation recognizes Senior Members who have made exceptional (significant) contributions to the automation profession, in practice or in academia. In 2024, ISA elevated four members to the distinguished grade of Fellow and recognized them at the gala during the Automation Summit & Expo:

  • Dr. Soloman Moses Almadi, Saudi Aramco

For successfully inventing, developing, field proving and commercializing new technology, Intelligent Integrated Node (IIN) that reduces equipment automation infrastructure from five different vendor devices down to one fault-tolerant device.

  • Jonas Berge, Emerson

In recognition of the development and promotion of models for digital transformation of industrial automation controls. His patents, created with a team, include a revolutionary fieldbus safety system.

  • Deji Chen, Wuxi University

For his ongoing international contributions to IIoT, contributing greatly to WirelessHART, OPC, IEC30141 and IEC30165 and Chinese standards GB/T 38624.1-2020, GB/T 38619-2020 and GB/T 38637.1-2020.

  • Kevin L. Klein, P.E., Chevron Corporation

For outstanding and significant contributions to the process industries in the areas of safety instrumented systems design, operations, maintenance, functional safety and process safety.  



60,000 USD Awarded in scholarships

30 Recipients awarded 

7 Countries represented 
Additionally, 20 sections awarded  USD 102,000 to 77 recipients

Social Media

Followers by Social Media Platform: 

361,163 on Facebook

140,835 on LinkedIn 

21,502 on YouTube   

6,382 on Pinterest 

4,226 on X

1,744 on Threads

International Automation Professionals Day — 28 April

ISA was founded on 28 April 1945, an occasion we are thrilled to commemorate each year.

International Automation Professionals Day was started as a celebration of our founders' legacies and their long-lasting contributions to the industry.

Now we get to witness the legacies being created by those who have dedicated their career to this ever-changing industry.

Here is how we celebrated in 2024:





Women in Engineering

Each year ISA joins with the global community to celebrate International Women in Engineering Day on 23 June. This year, we recognized the exceptional achievements of women in the field of automation engineering and celebrated those who work to promote gender equality and foster inclusivity within the engineering community.

ISA Connect

Career Skills

ISA Business Academy 

The ISA Business Academy is a 10-week fully digital program for both current and aspiring leaders to learn the fundamentals of people management and business finance.

Based on a streamlined MBA curriculum, in just 10 weeks, participants learn how to build organizational alignment, empower your team to serve your customers better and learn the financial fundamentals of building a more profitable community. 

48 Participants in 2024


Four Career Skills Sessions Held at ASE

  • The Power of EQ: Bridging the Gap Between Technical Brilliance and Human Connections
  • Life Long Learning: A Full Career Dedicated to Learning and Leading in New Industry Trends
  • Level Up: Building a Career in Automation
  • Working Backwards: A Culture of Innovation

Career Center

The Career Center is a valuable tool for candidates and hiring managers — post a position, share your resume and search for career guidance in a community devoted to automation.

678,782 Job views

14,554 Job postings


ISA Mentor, which initially launched in 2023 as an abbreviated version of the program, completed its first official full year of this new offering in 2024. This professional development initiative connects emerging professionals with experienced industry leaders, offering valuable mentorship, career guidance and networking opportunities.

In 2024, the program saw significant growth, with 43 completed mentoring relationships. As the program evolves, it remains a dynamic resource for cultivating skills and strengthening the professional community within the industry.



2024 Operational Net

Actual 481,540 USD
Budget -821,000 USD
Revenue 19,537,134 USD
Expenses 19,055,594 USD


Current Assets 13,771,964 USD
Marketable Securities 40,012,379 USD
Fixed Assets 2,210,844 USD
Other Assets 1,463,705 USD
Total Assets 57,458,892 USD

Liabilities and Net Assets

Total Liabilities 8,732,933 USD
Net Assets 44,867,449 USD
YTD Surplus/(Deficit) 3,858,510 USD
Total Liabilities and Net Assets 57,458,892 USD