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Engage like never before!

Our exclusive, members-only community is a platform for you to connect, share, and get the most out of your ISA experience anytime, anywhere.


Engage in technical discussions

  • Access technical knowledge available anytime, any place!
  • Tag and locate posts by industry topic
  • Enjoy personalized notifications based on your interests

Build your professional network

  • Search the Member Directory 
  • Add peers as contacts

Connect with sections

  • Stay up-to-date on programs and activities
  • Discover opportunities to volunteer and get involved

Enhance your personal profile

  • Add your story, your interests, and your accolades
  • Build your volunteer and expert profiles to learn about and be matched with opportunities

What do our members think?

"I find the Technical Forum on ISA Connect intuitive, allowing me to navigate to my topics of interest quickly and easily. The e-mail notifications are convenient and let me monitor responses and actively engage with the ISA community. The tagging feature is also very effective when creating posts. The new ISA Technical Forum feels like a mature product ready to serve the ISA community in the years ahead."

Joy I.

Mobile App Now Available!

Engage on the go. Continue discussions, share resources, send direct messages, and receive push notifications to stay up-to-date. To begin,   

  1. Download the 'Connected Community' app on your mobile device
  2. Enter for domain name
  3. Login to your ISA account and start exploring

Additional features

Get Involved

Boost your career, volunteer!

Volunteering in ISA leadership can enhance your career and is a rewarding way to give back to the profession.

With your help, we can continue to advance the automation profession. Whether you are interested in volunteering once or on a recurring basis, remotely or in-person, as an ISA member, you can dedicate your time and expertise to a cause that is important to you. Browse the opportunities based on your interests and needs to find the right fit, or check out our featured opportunities to see where help is needed now. 

Find out more...

Expert Directory

Are you available for speaking engagements?

Your expertise is in demand.
Make sure facilitators of programs and events can find you. Join the Expert Directory on ISA Connect and your relevant information will be discoverable.

It’s easy to create your expert profile.
You will need to create an ISA account if you do not already have one. (Membership not required but highly encouraged). While anyone can join as an expert and be listed, the expert directory is only available to members to view. Our members highly value this exclusive benefit.

Become an expert... 

What do our members think?

"If you need to find an answer to a technical problem at your work, the right place to go is the Technical Discussion forum on ISA Connect. You can ask questions, find answers, learn and share your knowledge with ISA members across the globe. You will be amazed to receive answers from a variety of countries. ISA is more international than ever at ISA Connect. If you are not there yet you don't know what you are missing. Join the discussion now!"

Carlos M.


Remember...this is an exclusive community for ISA members. If you are not a member yet, it is not too late to join.